Saturday, June 22, 2024

More Trees Please

 A note about trees…

During the heated days of summer, a request, More Trees Please!

When I go into stores for supplies and/or goodies, my car bakes in the wonderful sun, and it’s a double-edged sword. 

    The city decided in its infinite wisdom to plant lots and lots and LOTS of trees, and it’s awesome 🌳 

   Yes, the birds in the trees are pleasant and keep the parking areas clean, good design plans for that. 

    The trees get fed our CO2 carbon dioxide and, in exchange, work tirelessly to scrub the air day and night. This keeps the air clean and the sky clear, which lets even more sun thru! This is an easy fix, more trees! More shade, more clean air, it’s a win-win Win :-) 

    As a side note, get-away cars can hide from helicopters which was amusing to see once because the helicopter lost the getaway car in the mini manicured forests  🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 

   When the getaway car emerged from the trees, the air was so clean and clear, they could see the car license plate details with their eyes!  



   More trees please   🙏   





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