Saturday, June 8, 2024

At the mercy of…


  The Weather..! 

I love a good cozy rainstorm, thunder, lightning, the works, even sleet/hail can be fun, 

but not for driving! 

I dream of constructing a classic snowman, carrot for the nose, ๐Ÿฅ•, pieces of coal for the eyes, a pipe and a scarf, 

but not for driving! 

Sunbathing by the pool, on a beach, on a roof during a heatwave is luscious, 

but not for driving! 

Wind is okay, just okay. 

A Perfect Day? 

Spring, cool, no sweat, a warm sunny day, or real light overcast with no rain, every driver on the road is courteous, aware of their surroundings, no one is late to anywhere, everyone is well-fed and happy. 

I’ve had a few of these days and hope to again!  

Drive Safe. Thanku.   ๐Ÿš—


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