So what do u do on National Candy Day?
U can check out The Chocolate Cult’s blog for some tips, tricks, and recipes, see sidebar,
or u can make out like a bandit for all the Halloween sales goodies!
Four days after Halloween, you should be able to celebrate this day.
Either you have leftover candy or generous treats.
You can also scan the sales of Halloween candy at your local stores.
Or, invite some friends to enjoy their favorite candies with you!
Unforgettable Candies
- M & M’s – Forrest Mars, Sr., and William Murrie developed these milk chocolate drops with the colorful candy coating following the Spanish Civil War. They stamped the new candy with the initials of their surnames. In 1941, they debuted the candies, and soon after, American soldiers serving in the Second World War received them as part of their rations.
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – Hershey’s company first manufactured these round chocolate disks filled with sweet, creamy peanut butter filling in 1928.
- Christmas Candies – These hard candies come in the shape of ribbons or lozenges (thank you Oliver R. Chase!) and add a sweet, colorful memory to the holiday season.
- Necco Wafers – Despite being chalky and not too sweet, this candy still tops many people’s lists.
- PEZ – Not only does this tiny candy hit the sweet spot, but it also comes with a dispenser that often represents other iconic and inspirational characters.