Someone please alert the public at large!
Most hybrids have little to no power, stop trying to go thru them, go around, life much easier that way!
There are rumors that hybrids aren’t too great on freeways.
I’m confirming it’s fact.
I adore my beautiful Prius, it’s fabulous on gas, it’s light, intuitive, easy on the eyes and easy to drive.
It does NOT HAVE Power! It doesn’t go over 65 miles an hour, please let that sink in because honking at hybrids earns honky reputations.
It is not well known that hybrids do not have power. Motorcycles have more power than hybrids. I even suggest that driving schools should teach that rule on the same page that teaches speed limits for bicycles.
My specific model and year Prius has a small graph on the dashboard that lights up red once the 4-cylinder engine begins working too hard, which used to be quite often until I stopped driving the freeways. Only service side-roads and streets for me and my bicyclette, I mean hybrid.
Oh, u can easily drive over 65, it will respond, until it doesn’t.
I’ve seen a few on the freeways when I used to drive them, I even saw one of those tiny smart cars zoom past me once, a disaster waiting to happen?
There is one thing that truck drivers understand, and that is, going up hills triggers the honkies.
I’m not kidding, my Prius baby would Not make it up a steep hill grade. How many Prius’ are in San Fransisco? If my Prius had to negotiate those hills, it might even start slinging backwards.
If u drive a Prius in San Fransisco, please post the video on YouTube and alert me here. I’d have to see it in action and get one. Any Prius that can climb those hills deserve mention.
So please, stop with the honking, yelling, zooming, and gestures at those innocent car-wanna-bes. It won’t make hybrids go faster, they don’t.
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