Before such a thing as responsibility and working for a living, whenever I used to meditate in my younger days, this is exactly what I’d see;
Gently rolling hills of green grass, blue skies and fields of bluebonnets, nary a street curb in sight anywhere!
So since it’s there, let’s take a look at the reality of this curb, call it Curbology101.
No tire tread skid marks. Why not? Because cars can see the grass and know to avoid the curb of grass, even at night.
When there is unpainted curb and then immediate sidewalk concrete, THAT’s where u will see tire treads all over those poor unpainted curbs.
Why? Because at night, sometimes during the day if u aren’t paying attention, and especially just after dusk when all contrasting colors tend to be washed out a bit, look again, skidmarks all over the place! The street briefly looks like there’s another lane, Bam! Oops, nope, that was sidewalk!
When there are curbs and then some grass and then sidewalk, u immediately detect that it is not concrete and u rarely see tiremarks on the curbs by grass unless it’s at the corner of entry/exit driveways, especially when they are skinny driveways, u can see where the corner curbs have been run over so much that big chunks have chipped off!
The chunks of concrete falling off the tips of concrete medians didn’t do that from age, they do that because:
1) they weren’t painted, much less reflected, and;
2) they were run over so much, the corners were chipped into powder.
Poor curbs, such a mixed blessing..!
That being said, enjoy the springtime bluebonnets in bloom just in time for Easter holidays, too.
There, that’s better…
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