Saturday, March 1, 2025

Run & Done!

 I don’t know how, but I completed the entire route in 1 day this week. With time to spare! 

Very luscious if I do say so. It was a rough start to match up candies to boxes, as some are grab-a-handful, and some are very organized, it always depends on customer requests. 

One place was unhappy with the candies, said they’d gotten hard, old, and tasted funny. I’m very grateful to be able to explain how it works as briefly as I could. I wasn’t about to argue that I’d just refilled them with fresh candy (?)

So here goes; both Mike & Ike’s and Hot Tamales are 2 of the most popular vending candies, but that’s only because they’re popular.  Neither vend thru machines easily. They tend to stick to the sides and to each other, clogging up machines rapidly. The fix for that is to get a long-handled vinyl spoon, and poke around in there to loosen them up each visit. During summers, the candy often sticks to the spoon! If it’s a slower location, the candy will stay in clumps. The fix for that is to spray the handle with butter spray as it slides thru clumps easier. Or, during every refill, to liberally coat the ingoing candy with butter oil. They vend beautifully and look glossy and yummy. 

I almost always taste-test candies, and if there’s a slight buttery taste to these ones, it’s supposed to be complimentary, but may not be to everyone.  U can’t really tell with 1 candy, but with a small handful of Hot Tamales, they always keep their cinnamon kick, and should be fine. If not, the standard Chicle gums are vend-friendly and remain popular, too. 

It’s an awesome location and I hope to heck they stick around. If not, that’s fine, too! 



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