Sunday, January 8, 2023

Here’s to 2023!


I lost a location the other day. Been there since 2019. 

They said there were too many kids, but kids just happen to be the bread & butter of the route! Of course that’s fine. 

Whenever machines are smudged, peeled, little tiny fingerprints everywhere, I know that machine does well, and that one did. It wasn’t a top-earner by any means, but it did fine and was easy to work with. 

That’s not the bad news, tho. 

And although it’s not bad news, it’s definitely difficult because now I gotta go find replacements, not my forté. 

I don’t make any profits on this route. It’s self-sustaining and rewarding only because it’s the very least I can do for the critters which is virtually nothing, but without it, it would be less than nothing. 

Locations sometimes worry that their site isn’t making enuf money for the machines, if the machine is still there, it’s making quarters, all it needs. It’ll never be able to make bank, but it’s enuf. 

Profits, if any, go to either HSUS, Best Friends, and/or others. 

I’m not allowed to say I work on behalf of HSUS, Humane Society United States, that would require thousands of $$$ and paperwork that I wouldn’t understand. No, I’m a Proud Supporter of HSUS, that’s my appropriate designation. I don’t always agree with their politics so I steer clear of that and try to stay focused on humane efforts and basics, such as keeping pets warm during cold snaps and hydrated during heat. 

Every machine and honor box has a sticker that states it is a supporter of HSUS and will have a sticker with the URL of this weblog for more information and contact info.  

    To 2023..! 


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