Saturday, February 12, 2022

Then I find this..!


After making a reasonable argument for the purpose, safety, and beauty of the common curb, 

I come across this, The Roundabout..! 

Now these are fun, trendy, and attractive, sorta like a dramatic snowstorm.

Check it out; this is a typical roundabout during the day; 


and this is an identical roundabout at night; 


Look at the daylight again, what do u not see? 

 Those curbs have no reflectors, not even painted. 

At best, driving thru the roundabouts during daylight is like like driving in Italy, a tad chaotic…

Look at the night view, what do u not see? 

That’s right, no curbs..! They’re invisible at night, totally dark. 

What else do u not see?

 There’s no stop lights, no lights at all, no signs, no reflectors to be seen anywhere, all lights in the night pic are reflections from nearby buildings, random decorative lo-light street lamps, car headlights, and no signs, reflective or not, no signs, just jump in and hope for the best. 

Driving thru those roundabouts at night is like driving in a beautiful rainstorm, fun, wheeeee :-p

Boo-dos to those designers (city? state? some random dept?) 

Not kudos, boo-dos. 


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