Sunday, December 5, 2021

What are these called anyway?

 They are similar to BloPops, only about 1/4 the size, but here’s the thing; 

they are the tastiest little pops I’ve ever had the pleasure of sampling. 

I had picked up a handful one day in a store, I can’t even remember if it was a Walmart or a dollar store. 

Since I always try to sample a new candy before displaying them or adding them to an honor box, I tried it out and was quite amazed. 

It wasn’t your standard sugar, flavor, and candy or gum, it had real taste, and it was slippery like a real fruit! The tiny interior wasn’t a burst of citrus or sour like I expected, very pleasant after-taste. 

   The packaging around each pop simply says Big Big, that’s it! 

I’m not even sure customers will notice, but I was very pleasantly surprised. 

  Should I happen upon them somewhere, I shall stock up on them, but if they came from a dollar store, they may have been a once a year import happenstance, overage, or a one-off of some sort. 

  If u see them, give them a try and see if u don’t notice a difference either, then let me know where they are! Thanks! 




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