Saturday, June 26, 2021

Back to Chocolate

Although it makes the least, my candy route means a lot to me 

and was the reason for this blog as a form of communication for customers. 

It was once a fairly large and reasonably unwieldy route. 

During the pandemic, the route downsized to almost nothing but I kept it and learned a valuable lesson. 

 I know each of my customers now, they know me, and communication is easy.  

So getting back to the very reason for this blog, I’m including 5 more interesting facts about chocolate: 

  1. Chocolate was once money that literally grew on trees 
  2. Chocolate wasn’t always solid, or sweet 
  3. It takes 400 cacao beans to make one pound of chocolate 
  4. Chocolate contains tryptophan, very relaxing! 
  5. The outer part of the cocoa bean has anti-bacterial properties.  
There u are, good stuff.  

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